Android Sample App 6.4


The sample Android app demonstrates the recommended way of integrating the uSDK as well as invoking its methods. The application requires Android uSDK version 6.4, you can download the latest release from the corresponding release page.

The Release

Download link



Last updated at

Dec 17, 2020


The application supports 2.1 and 2.2 frictionless and challenge flows.


License Key

A valid license key needs to be obtained from mSIGNIA. This key will need to be passed in the sample application.

Android Studio

The last version of Android Studio is required to launch the sample application. Link to download Android Studio.


The uSDK for Android has to be obtained and stored on a local disk. The most recent version can be downloaded here.

The Sample Merchant Backend application

It is required to run a merchant backend (server-side) application in order to facilitate the Android sample application. The backend is responsible for calling the 3DS Server that performs the actual 3DS transactions.

mSIGNIA provides a sample merchant backend application to use alongside the Android sample application, click the link to read more about it.

A merchant backend should be up and running, and the Android sample application will contact the backend application at runtime.

Please note, if you run the sample backend locally and the mobile application on a physical device, then the address the app talks to the backend should be a LAN address versus http://localhost

Configuring the Sample App


  1. Unzip As a result android-sample-6.4.X directory should be created.

  2. Open with Android Studio android-sample-6.4.X directory.

  3. Place uSDK aar to android-sample-6.4.X/app/libs directory.

  4. Open android-sample-6.4.X/app/build.gradle file and in dependencies section change string usdk-6.4.XX to uSDK file name without .arr suffix.

  5. To change the Backend URL that the app points to on the top of the same file from #4 remove value of backendUrl variable and enter your actual Backend URL instead as a String. Remember that Sample Backend starts on port 8080 by default.

  6. To pass your license key, on the top of the same file from #4 remove value of licenseKey variableand enter your actual License Key instead as a String.

  7. To apply changes press button Sync Project with Gradle Files at the top of Android Studio.

Running the Sample App

  1. Connect your device via USB with enabled USB debugging option.

  2. To run the application press Run button at the top of Android Studio.

Runtime Permission

The sample app requests two permissions to be explicitly allowed by the user. These are examples of permissions that could be requested by a merchant app to gather additional authentication data. They are not required by the uSDK.


Why the app or uSDK needs it


Why the app or uSDK needs it


This permission is required for getting location data like GPS coordinates.


This permission is required for getting data related to device and SIM card. For example: phone number, Device ID, SIM card serial number and so on.

Manifest Permissions


Why the app or uSDK needs it


Why the app or uSDK needs it


This permission is required for network exchange.


This permission is required for getting data about Wi-Fi like Wi-Fi MAC address, Network ID and so on.


This permission is required for getting data related to Bluetooth. For example: Device name, Is Bluetooth turned on and so on.


[6.4.77+rel.5] - 2020-12-17

  • Added optional permissions for local biometric authentication